Since many years, Starview Packaging Machinery Inc. in Canada is a leading company specialized in building standard and custom machines for blister-packaging.
Ecobliss Equipment BV, The Netherlands and Starview Packaging Machinery Inc., Canada are venturing in a close cooperation to support the increasing demand for heat seal and clam shell types of blister packaging. Both companies have years of experience in their field and form a strong combination.
The strength of Ecobliss lies in developing and manufacturing high quality packaging materials and providing turn-key packaging solutions along with that. Starview manufactures (among other types) equipment for assembling and sealing heat seal and clam shell types of blister packaging.
The equipment manufactured by Starview is of the highest standard and can be offered at very competitive prices which you will find on the website
From July 2009 onwards Ecobliss will be the exclusive supplier of Starview equipment in Europe and Turkey