Insert blister cards for double plastic blister ( clam-shell blister )
Insert cards are displaying text, technical information and product promotion. Insert cards are placed inside a double plastic blister (Clamshell). Insert cards do not require any special blister coatings. The reason for this is that the cards are simply ‘trapped’ between a front and back blister. Depending on the amount of information on the card, a single or (multiple) folded insert card is used.
Insert cards for clamshell packaging are relatively simple to produce and most packaging printers offer them within their product range. The material from which insert cards are made is virgin or recycled cardboard or paper.
If the packaging process for making clamshell blisters is fully automatic ( form-fill-seal ) it is important that the insert cards are very flat ( straight). In an automated, high-speed process insert cards should stay in place (in the blister cavity) during the transport of the blisters in the form-fill-seal machine.
Ecobliss Blister products is a specialized designer and producer of all types of blister cards and can also design and produce plastic blisters matching your products. On the website blister machines, you will find a large variety of blister packaging equipment suitable for clamshell blisters.