The WorldStar Competition is one of the major events of the WPO and this year received 243 entries from 32 countries around the world. Out of these, 137 were selected as WorldStar winners by the jury in their meeting in the UK in November, 2011. The jury consisted of 23 country representatives from the World Packaging Organisation (WPO) and one representative from the International Packaging Press Organisation.
The pre-eminent international award in packaging, WorldStar illustrates the continual advancement of the state of packaging design and technology and creates a living standard of international packaging excellence from which others may learn.
WorldStars are presented only to those packs which, having already won recognition in a national or regional competitions, are compared by an expert panel of judges to similar packs from around the world. Awards are based on the judges’ consensus that a pack is superior in its category and market and better in its class in execution or innovation by comparison to others.
Since 1970, the World Packaging Organisation has given awards to numerous new packs from all around the world.
You can download the official 2012 Official Award Guide y clicking on this link
You can also visit the WPO website